viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017


Electrical energy is a form of energy that is transported by an electrical current.
Electricity is very common for two reasons:
It can be easily transformed into other types of energy.It can be transported over long distances in ways that are cheap and efficient.

4.1.Electric power stations

A power station or generating station is a place where enrgy form natural resources is transformed into energy that we can consume.If the energy obtained is electricity, it is called an electric power station.

Resultado de imagen de electric power station

4.2.The transportation and distribution of electricity

Power stations may be far from the places where the electricity will finally be consumed.
The transportation of electrical energy includes:
-Raising the voltage:The output of the power station is raised by transformers to high voltages, usually between 220000 V and 400000 V.Electricity must be transported over long distances.
-High voltage lines:Routes for high voltage lines are carefully planned and the lines are installed on towers.
-Reducing the voltage:Electrical subtations are installed between high voltage lines and final consumers.The substations use transformers to reduce the power to lower voltages, between 3KV and 30KV.
-At this point the power is distributed to homes,offices,industries and public installations such as streetlights and traffi lights.The voltage is reduced to very low ranges, between 230 and 400 V depending on the final consumer.

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